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Societas Sanctae Crucis - The Society of the Holy Cross. |
Happy Founders day there is a New Password for the Resources section etc this can be found in Acta. If you haven't received an Acta please contact the secretary. [email protected]
If you need help please contact [email protected] Last Sunday the Bishop of Fulham, celebrating the Epiphany Mass at All Hallows’, Gospel Oak, announced the retirement of Prebendary David Houlding as Vicar of the Parish. At the end of July, he will reach the age of 'three score years and 10' and, therefore, retire on 25 July 2023.
His last Sunday in the Parish will be 23 July but there will also be a farewell celebration before that date (3 June) with an open invitation to SSC Brothers. Requiescat in Provence!! We have had to change the date for the Provincial Synod because of availability and in order to secure a good deal on the Venue. The Change will be notified in the upcoming ACTA as well. But all Brethren should note the following:
Not 27/9/23 now: 26 September 2023 St Mary's Bryanston Square - https://stmarysvenue.com/ Arrivals/Coffee from 11.00am Provincial Synod Mass at Midday Lunch (with wine) and Synod Following Departures around 4pm SSC offers congratulations to Fr Stephen Race SSC on his appointment as the New Bishop of Beverley, with oversight to Traditionalist Parishes in the Province of York.
In preparation for his consecration as Bishop on the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle, at 11am on Wednesday 30 November, in York Minster - brethren are encourage to pray a Novena which can be found here. http://www.sswsh.com/uploads/NovenaBeforeThe_consecrationOfFrStephenRaceSSC.pdf Also there is encouragement to parishes in the Province of York to attend the consecration on the day itself. please do think about supporting our brother. PLEASE SUPPORT THE YOUTH PILGRIMAGE THIS YEAR. Its back after two years it hard starting up again however we do need you to support this event.
The Mission Committee has just authorised grants totalling £3270.
Recipient Parishes were Saint Paul, Worksop to support the Youth Pilgrimage at Home (£400} Worksop Priory to support a Summer Children’s Project (£370), Rufford and Tarleton to assist in the creation of multi-use community space within the Church building to promote community engagement (£1000), Saint George, Nottingham to assist with the provision of a glass door as a part of the remodeling of the Church welcome area (£1000) and Saint John Mexborough to help with the provision of resources for use at the newly established School Mass (£500). We thank the brethren who have led on these missional projects within their parishes and pray for the success of their ongoing ministries of mission and outreach. The new Mission Committee is a company of mission-minded priests of our society who aim to share and encourage good practice in catholic mission and evangelism as well as undertaking important grant-making functions. Please do support the Mission Committee in your prayers and do all that you can to encourage giving to Mission Direct as more funds raised leads to more catholic mission and outreach projects supported in communities served by SSC priests. The Mission Committee will be meeting in the early summer, therefore please do get in your Mission Direct Grant Applications now – especially if you have a summer or autumn project in mind or need support in connection with the Youth Pilgrimage to Walsingham. The Grant Application Forms are available on the website and when completed can be emailed to me [email protected] Fr. Philip O’Reilly,ssc Chairman of the Mission Committee. Fr Carl was installed as the new provincial Master at the Northern Synod on founders day. His address and video of his installation can be found on the Masters News page.(Password)Some images of the day![]() Congratulations to Fr Carl Schaefer SSC - - who has been elected to be the new Provincial Master of the Province of England and Scotland. He will take office on Founder's Day 28 February 2022. Thank you to all members who voted - over 65% of you did! Do please pray for both Fr Carl Schaefer & Fr Nicolas Spicer in the coming weeks of transition. Fr Nicolas remains as Master General until his term of office in this role ends. |
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February 2023
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