Of your charity please pray for the repose of the soul of our brother Stephen Masters who died yesterday. Jesu have mercy; Mary pray. Thank you.
Of your charity please pray for the repose of the soul of Geoffrey Rowell, Bishop who has recently died.
Bishop Geoffrey was our Visitor for at least 12 years, if not more, and he presided over our celebrations in 2005. His funeral is in Chichester on 5th July. +Geoffrey will be received into Chichester Cathedral on Tuesday evensong into St Richard's Shrine. There is to be a vigil of masses through the night in the Cathedral before the funeral at 2.30pm on Wednesday. If you can please could brethren say a Mass for the repose of his soul during that time in your own Parishes. Details of the funeral are to be found on The Society site please click the Picture below to find the relevant page. |
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