On behalf of Frs Parkinson, Nicholson and Cartwright. All priests of The Society/ SSC are invited to concelebrate the funeral Mass of our late brother Fr Rodney Marshall.
Fr Marshall’s body will be received into the church of St Helen, Athersley on Thursday 20th December 5pm followed by Vespers of the dead. Priests who wish to celebrate their own mass in church for the repose of Fr Marshall’s soul are welcome to from 5.40pm until 8pm at one of the altars in church. This will be on a first come first served basis with prior booking via email with Fr Naylor.
The Funeral Mass will take place at 11am on Friday 21st. Priests intending to concelebrate should notify Fr Naylor and be at St Helens Vicarage for 1030am at the latest. Please bring your own black vestments.
Please notify Fr Grant Naylor of your intentions via [email protected]
Grant Naylor